2 July 2018

A Garden Party

Oh dear, I have been unwell with a horrid cold. Feeling a bit better but not up to 100% yet. Another quiet day today. I was going to visit a friend but she is just recovering from the same thing so we have postponed it till next week. I also want to be well enough for my WI meeting on Wed, its our summer lunch. It was only meant to be a one off last July to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the village group, but we all enjoyed it so much that we agreed to do it every year.

I have re-joined the village Art group. They have a summer garden party in June. The hosts provide food and everyone tends to take a little extra and their own choice of drinks.

 The host's garden is beautiful

Plenty of delicious food 

That trifle was divine, with lots of alcohol in it!!

The company was good

The weather was dull with a few sparse glimpses of the sun, and it turned chilly later in the afternoon.

But these lovelies would brighten any day :-)
We all had an excellent time.

~Be well, and if you're in the northern hemisphere stay cool! ~
Polly x


  1. Your summer lunch looks very inviting - take care, and hope that you soon recover from your summer cold.

    1. Thank you Rosemary, I'm starting to feel better at last.

  2. Woww That look Great...delicious food Nice people and a beautiful garden Polly!!!....enjoy summer love Ria x 💜

  3. Sorry to hear you haven't been well Polly, those darn change of season bugs! Love the venue for your garden party, gorgeous 🌼🌸🌹🌺💮🌷

    1. Hi Grace, this is the first summer cold I have ever had and I have felt grim, but today I'm feeling much better :-)

  4. Wish I could have joined you ;)

    1. You would have been most welcome Cloudia :-)

  5. What a great looking spread! I love trifle so much but it's winter in Sydney so we're craving hot desserts ......

    1. Blackberry and apple crumble, golden syrup sponge or apple strudel, with custard, mmm yummy. We all have favourites for winter and summer :-)

  6. That curly fountain is amazing. And I do love trifle - I think I would have sneaked a very large portion of that one!

    1. I did have a generous portion. I'm glad there wasn't Eton mess s well, I would have made a real glutten of myself!!

  7. Oh Polly, I'm so sorry you're not feeling well and hope it is short and even over by now. What a glorious garden. I could get lost there, just savoring every second!

    1. Thank you Jeanie, I'm starting to feel much better. It was one of those gardens where you could walk around a few times and see something new each time. Our lawns are very dry now :-(
