13 May 2018


Another busy and fun weekend kicked off yesterday with our village Medieval Mayhem afternoon.

After walking the dogs yesterday morning I finished off the cake I had made on Friday and then headed down to the hall to help with the tea and cake stall.

We were so busy that by the time I remembered to take some photos most of the cakes had gone! 
Home made cake and a cup of tea is always popular. 
My contribution was my usual coffee mocha cake on the red plate. 

Elsewhere everyone was having a great time despite the miserable weather. 
It wasn't heavy rain and it was quite mild so there was a fairly good turn out.

Dancing round the Maypole

Guess where the treasure is

Smashing crockery is always popular

Racing Knights

Beautiful vintage cars.
Because of the weather many of the owners left early so I missed some real beauties.

Galleon wars was great fun.
They started in two rows opposite each other.
The idea was for the child at the back to guide the blindfolded one in the front
and tell them when to spray the water.
I'm not sure what the outcome was meant to be, there was another group over the other side,
 they just had a great time.

There was archery, an art exhibition, tug-of-war, a bouncy castle,
a plant stall, burgers, hot dogs and chilli, ice cream and a bar.

Back home these beautiful flowers were waiting for me, sent from my beautiful Aussie daughter.
Mother's day in Australia


Today we have been to Colchester to watch my grandson play basketball. 
He was selected for the Essex team and today was the 
England Basketball under 15's Boys Inter Counties Tournament. 

Warming up. My grandson hanging on after making a basket.
Six counties competed 

Final score
and Essex won. 
Some of their games were close but they never let up, they played very well.

Each boy received a gold medal and the team shield will be kept by their Coach until next year.
I'm a very proud Nan

~Be warm and well ~
Polly x


  1. Your medieval mayhem afternoon looked like loads of fun. Pity the weather couldn't have been kinder.

    1. It was a shame, more people would have turned out if it had been sunny. But the children enjoyed themselves :-)

  2. Your afternoon looks like so much fun. I would love to have this theme here for a day.

    1. I think this is the third year they have done it, it's very popular, with something for everyone.

  3. Never knew that medieval knights were fuelled by so many cakes! It all looks great fun.

  4. Medieval Mayhem looks like fun. I remember at my annual primary school fete, there was always a crockery-smashing stall and it was always in demand. A secret desire to smash things to bits maybe?

    I see your coffee mocha cake was popular!

    1. Yes I think it is Nick, that feeling of delight at being able to do it without repercussions! I was astounded at how quickly it went, I arrived later than the other helpers. Everyone loves cake :-)

  5. Hello Polly,
    What a fun weekend! It all looks like great fun and congratulations to your grandson and his team.
    Big hug

  6. You have every reason to be a very proud Nan! Sounds like an amazing event and so much fun.

  7. That was wonderful, fun-filled time..

  8. I have never heard of smashing crockery at a fair! But then we just don't seem to have those kinds of community events here at all.
    The flowers from your daughter are gorgeous!

    1. It's very popular at fetes over here :-) I love flowers.

  9. What a fun event. I love the crockery smashing and the maypole especially. It sounds terrific!

  10. Medieval mayhem sounds fun!
    Many congratulations to your grandson - you must be a very proud Nan.

    All the best Jan
