24 May 2018

A Good Read

Before I Go to Sleep by S J Watson
Memories define us. So what if you lost yours every time you went to sleep? Your name, your identity, your past, even the people you love — all forgotten overnight. And the one person you trust may only be telling you half the story. Welcome to Christine's life. 
Every morning Christine wakes up in an unfamiliar bed next to an unfamiliar man. She sees an unfamiliar middle-aged face in the mirror. And every morning the unfamiliar man explains that he is Ben, her husband, and that two decades earlier she had a terrible accident that robbed her of her memories and the ability to form new ones. 
Christine struggles to reconstruct her past, and the closer she gets to the truth the more unbelievable it seems.

Brilliant, very well written, thoroughly enjoyed it, it kept me on the edge of my seat. Got slightly confused towards the end though. (This seems to be a theme running through my reading history!!)

~Be warm and well ~
Polly x


  1. I've heard about this (positively) but not from anyone who has read it. Thanks for the review. Most appreciated!

  2. I'm putting it on my list. I can't imagine the horror of forgetting yourself but it must be pretty exhausting being the other person in this relationship, assuming Ben is not a horrid villain, of course.

    1. Hi Amalia, it's a while since I read this and I can't remember who the villain was! :-(

  3. Hi Polly,

    Dit lijkt me zeker een vaccinerend boek, alleen al hoe jij het
    omschrijft doet mij al op het puntje van mijn stoel zitten,
    heel spannend

    Lieve groetjes,

    1. Hi Josephine, it is a book that you won't want to put down once you start reading x

  4. Hello Polly.....love Reading too....happy weekend enjoy love Ria x 💜

  5. Sounds interesting. It must be really weird having a huge memory loss and never being able to make sense of your surroundings because they always seem to be a new experience. Like forgetting you've already read a book, only much more so.

    1. I guess it's similar to suffering from Dementia or Alzheimer's, although memory loss from an injury sometimes recovers. Frightening though.

  6. Thank you for the lovely gift you left for me on my blog, Polly! What a lovely poem, really made me happy. I wanted to send an email but something is up with my blogger account and I no longer get the comments in my email so don't know how to respond. I hope they fix it soon. Anyway, thanks! A big hug.
