19 May 2018

Lunchtime Concert

Late start today, didn't surface until 9am! which isn't surprising given the busy day I had yesterday. It started with the usual morning walk with the dogs, breakfast, then getting ready to go into town for the lunchtime concert in the Cathedral.
My friend's husband drives us in and we get separate buses home.
I had time before the concert started to go to the market for some plants. Red geraniums, orange, rose and pink begonias. I could have bought more but as I was catching the bus home I had to be mindful of heavy bags!
We reserved our seats - you leave a glove, specs case, scarf on a chair! and joined the queue for sandwiches and a drink. I had a cup of tea, egg and cress sandwiches and a frangipani cake, mmm delicious.
The concert was renowned violinist Charlotte Rowan. Her performance was outstanding. She is a performer who "combines dazzling technical proficiency with a masterful command of her instrument".  She was accompanied by the equally outstanding pianist Charlotte Stevenson. They were so good the applause was such that they returned for an encore.
After a brief mooch around the shops I caught the bus home, not for a sit down in the garden but to pick my grandson up from school after he stayed behind for GCE revision. Then to Argos to buy a new rotary clothes line, Aldi for cake ingredients, McDonalds (grandson was hungry) then home. Time for a short sit down and a cup of coffee before feeding the dogs, feeding myself, change into carpet bowls gear and out for a summer singles league match. Phew!! As a team we lost, it's difficult to get the hang of other team's mats. And my match, well it was another humiliating defeat. I hope I can do better when they visit us!
Our weather is glorious which is good for the Royal wedding. I will watch some of it whilst baking a chocolate cake for my grandson, then sit in the garden and plan where to put my geraniums and begonias.
I hope you have a good weekend.

~Be warm and well~
Polly x


  1. I've only been retired properly for a few months and already I'm beginning to wonder how I fitted work into the schedule. And I don't have a grandson to feed.

    1. Quite often I think to myself 'I wouldn't have the energy to go to work now' but when I have days like these I think I'm busier than when I worked, also the energy levels aren't what they used to be! A busy day is followed by a rest day!

  2. Sounds like a busy but very enjoyable few days. The cathedral concert sounds amazing. Hope you managed to plant on your geraniums and begonias.

    1. Hello mama, yes they are nicely snug in pots and hanging baskets. I bought more yesterday so I hope to plant those today:-)

  3. That looks like a hectic schedule. I've never tried bowls - my grandpa was a great bowls enthusiast. The weather on Thursday was wonderful. I was visiting my mum in St Ives and had a good long walk round Hemingford Meadow.

    1. I resisted joining the village club for a while because I always associated bowls with old people, but I guess I'm in that category now! You're a long way from home, hope your mum us well. Hemingford Meadow sounds lovely, I like the word meadow, it conjures up childhood memories.

  4. Goodness sounds a busy but enjoyable few days. I'm sure the Cathedral concert was good.
    Have you planted your geraniums and begonias yet? I've always liked geraniums.

    All the best Jan

    1. Hi Jan, yes they are snug in their beds, the geraniums are in pots and the begonias are in hanging baskets. I have since bought more geraniums (love them), fuchsias, sweet peas and pansies.

  5. It sounds like a wonderful day! One of the things Rick and I are looking forward to in England is going to classical concerts in churches! Yours sounds like it was terrific.

    1. oh yes Jeanie, definitely, I think most churches and cathedrals host them :-)

  6. It sounds like a good day, full of mainly good things. There are never enough hours in a day!

    1. Hi Mike, yes I often think that, and outdoor pursuits can be hampered by our weather.

  7. Your day sounds superb, Polly. Quite idyllic, actually.

    1. Hello Nancy, yes it was, I enjoyed it. The thing is now that I am retired I can follow a busy day with a rest day! :-)

  8. I love the way to save a seat, it reminds me of high school :) The older I get the busier I get, it amazes me!!

    1. Hi Karen, I didn't retire when I could have because I was concerned that I would have nothing to do!! :-)
