22 April 2018


Phew, I'm exhausted. 
Dinner finished, dishwasher going, 
sitting down at last. 
Catching up with "The Durrells", a TV drama based on Gerald Durrell's autobiographical books about his  family who moved from the UK to start a new life in Corfu, it's very good.

 It's been a busy weekend. Yesterday started with the morning walk with the dogs

Rape blooming

after breakfast I cleaned my car, had a bit of a sit down,
mowed and tidied the front garden, 
and in the evening I went to a quiz in the village hall, 
complete with a chilli con carne supper. 
Our team didn't win but we didn't come last. It was a good evening. 

Today I have walked the dogs, 
sorted out some rubbish for the tip, 
finished tidying the front garden, bit of a sit down, 
cleaned the side path, more sit down, 
then made tea.

And the weather has been glorious.

Hope you have had an enjoyable weekend and have a good week ahead.

~Be warm and well ~
Polly x

perhaps I should change that to be cool now!


  1. So many activities to take up on weekend but I could still feel cool in your words and photos! Lovely capture on the field of rape and pretty tulips

    Cheers Polly and have great week ahead :)

  2. Oh Polly, I'm so delighted! Spring has come to your world and it's just beautiful! It's coming here, too! But no tulips yet!

    1. Hi Jeanie, yes Spring is very welcome, more so than in previous years because it has been a long cold winter, not as cold as yours though.

  3. the weather has been wonderful! Right now the sun is shining and it makes me joyful :) I love when I am on top of all the chores that need to be done. (I'm not now but it's nice when I am)

    1. I'm in the process of washing the patio. It's not a large patio but I do it in two sessions now as I get so tired!

  4. What a beautiful tulips Polly ...lovely week love Ria x ❤️💋

  5. The flowers in the bottom pic are amazing. I don't recognise them at all. What are they?

  6. You were super busy! the tulips are beautiful..

  7. Sounds wonderful, beautiful photos.

  8. Phew! That was busy!

    Your tulips look lovely.

    All the best Jan

  9. I too love the Durrell programs. Spring has finally decided to grace we in Newfoundland with her presence, and we are overjoyed to see her.

    1. Spring has been a much yearned for visitor this year.

  10. Sounds like you've been quite productive:)
    Your tulips are just gorgeous.

  11. Spring is looking pretty wonderful in Essex Polly. Sounds like you are making the most of it. Autumn here and the weather is perfect for those long walks, around 22/25C, can't complain 💙

    1. Hi Grace, yes it is, I adore hot weather, but Spring is such a glorious season. That's a lovely temp. for autumn :-) x
