14 April 2018

An OK Read

In The Kitchen by Monica Ali 
Gabriel Lightfoot is an enterprising man from a northern England mill town, making good in London as executive chef at the once-splendid Imperial Hotel. He is trying to run a tight kitchen but his integrity, to say nothing of his sanity, is constantly challenged by the demands of an exuberant multinational staff, an eagle-eyed hotel management, and business partners with whom he is secretly planning to open a restaurant of his own. 
Despite the pressures, all his hard work looks set to payoff, until a worker is found dead in the kitchen's basement. The tenuous balance of Gabe's life is seriously disturbed, aided in no small way by other complications in his life. His father is dying of cancer, his girlfriend wants more from their relationship, and the restaurant manager appears to be running an illegal business right under Gabe's nose. 
Enter Lena, an eerily attractive young woman with mysterious ties to the dead man. Under her spell, Gabe makes a decision, the consequences of which strip him naked and change the course of the life he knows - and the future he thought he wanted. 

I don’t like criticising authors and I think the book was beautifully written, but oh it was tedious. Reached page 189 and nothing significant had happened. Decided to keep going though just to see if anything did happen, it was ok. 
If Ali had written solely about Gabe’s predicament and created a murder mystery it would have been a much better read. It had all the ingredients; the kitchen of a large hotel; the staff and their idiosyncrasies; Gabe trying to keep his own business venture a secret whilst coping with the demands of his position, and the dead body. 
His relationship with his girlfriend, the childhood memories, the mill where his father worked and his father’s illness were interesting, and the descriptions of his mother’s bi-polar behaviour added some bleak humour, but there was just too much of it, and at times I lost interest to the point where I couldn’t remember what I had just read. It felt like it was going nowhere VERY slowly.

~Be warm and well ~
Polly x


  1. Now with books ...
    I find some can get you hooked and you just don't want to put them down ...
    Some may take a little longer, but the story ends up as a good read ...
    While others, you persevere and do your best ... but they somehow leave you disappointed.

    Of course we all like different reads, but it's always nice to read reviews.
    So many thanks for yours.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. Excellent analogy Jan. Hope you have a good weekend too.

  2. I quite liked Brick Lane, but her later books didn't appeal to me at all. I know what you mean about wondering whether to keep reading a tedious book or abandon it and move on to another one. I've just persevered with two books, hoping they would improve as they went on, but needless to say they didn't. I really should go with my first impressions.

    1. I gave up on Swing Time Zadie Smith, it was such a let down after White Teeth. I will take your advice and go with my first impressions now.

  3. These days I don't persevere with a book, if it doesn't capture my imagination or interest me I give up. I have wasted too many hours reading books that I didn't enjoy. I do realise that I may be missing out when a book starts slowly but such is life.

    1. As a child I always wanted to know everything, couldn't bear to think I was missing out on anything, I think the same now applies to books! although I have read enough mediocre ones to know when to give up, follow Nick's advice and go with my first impressions :-)

  4. Like you, I get very frustrated with things like this that move slowly. I'm willing to give a book some pages to settle if I think that maybe it has the legs to it but sometimes you just have to let it go. It's especially bad when, like with how you described this one, you can think of a whole lot better plots with the characters and setting! You're right -- all the elements were there, just not the style to captivate a reader.

    1. I'm going to be stricter with myself from now on! :-)

  5. The plot is exciting, but i understand from you review that the story is dragged.. but I would like to read it..

    1. It did have some good parts, I hope you enjoy it.

  6. Well the book might have been tedious but your review certainly wasn't. You had me hooked at the 'exuberant multinational staff' which made me smile thinking of the place we have just been staying in! Shame the book didn't get any racer for you, but you gave it your best shot, even if not your full attention at times! Shame you are not closer, you'd be brill to have in our bookclub :)
    Wren x

    1. Thank you Wren. I like being in a book group, we always have good discussions and it's interesting hearing different opinions.

  7. sometimes book resonate and sometimes they do not. Sometimes I feel like a book is good but it wasn't for me. I love when a book captures me and carries me away into a fictional plot and I'm thrilled to be there!

    1. Hi Karen, I absolutely agree. I imagine the characters and places. The book I'm reading at the moment is brilliant, I'm thinking about the characters even when I'm not reading it!
