6 February 2017

Dollshouse Festival

I had a dollshouse when I was a little girl, then nothing for years until ahem - middle age! ok, maybe a bit of artistic license is at work there, anyway moving on. I can't think why I didn't get into miniatures much sooner, probably because I was busy raising a family and working and just didn't give it a thought, and then 8 years ago I bought my first one, and a few years later I bought a second one. At this point you might be thinking "where is all this leading to?"

Well yesterday I went to my very first Dollshouse Festival, the City of London Festival and realised that there is so much I want to do, but will I have time to achieve it all? Every stall I approached I thought oooh I want to make one of those, there were Tudor rooms, Victorian rooms, beachside themes, caravans, lighthouses, conservatories, orangeries, toy shops, fruit and veg shops and many more. Added to that there was furniture, beautiful artisan furniture, exquisite silverware, jewellery, toys, hats, clothes, lighting, crystal chandeliers, so much I can't list it all. I had a great time and could have spent a fortune, instead I was very good and remained focused on what I actually wanted and needed - some DIY hardware products which unfortunately weren't available, a jukebox and dartboard for Mr Teen's room, which also weren't available! 

I did however find this beautiful chandelier for the main bedroom,
it has real crystal beads in it and looks gorgeous lit up.

and an impulse buy, this cute little puppy named Freddie.

He is currently residing in the finally finished Miss Teens room (will tell you all about that soon). Dogs aren't usually allowed upstairs but we will see how it goes, I suspect he will be allowed anywhere he wants to go because he is so cute :-)


  1. What a wonderful addition Freddie is. How wonderful to visit an exhibition, I have to admit to a little envy.

    1. Hello mama, I hope to go to another one in May.

  2. Freddie is SO cute and well done you for not getting carried away - I think I probably would have with all the shiny stuff! I keep meaning to tidy up Miss Macs dollshouse that I bought in a charity shop when she was 6. It's a lovely little house bu it's been damaged and neglected over the years we have had it, it really deserves better! x

    1. Hello Sarah, Freddie is proving popular :-) I feel sure that one day you will start work on Miss Macs dollshouse x

  3. Hello Polly,
    The chandelier is beautiful and I am in love with Freddie. I am glad you made your way back into miniatures!
    Big hug

    1. Hello Giac, it is so good to hear from you, I keep popping over now and again to see if you are back, but I know you have been busy. I hope the RL renovations are going well and I hope life is good x

  4. I've never actually had a dollhouse, but I would still like to go :-)

    1. Hello Amalia, the world of miniatures is fascinating, I never tire of visiting dolls house shops and hope to go to the Kensington Dolls House festival in May xo
