6 December 2016

Moooching Around Perth

I've only just found out that in America 'mooch' means to ask for or obtain something without paying for it. But in the UK it means to loiter or walk aimlessly. That's what I have been doing, moooching around Perth looking for cows! The city is the venue for 40 life-sized cow sculpture creations by some of Western Australia's most exiting artists. I wasn't specifically looking for them, I found them because they were just there.  I only found 12 which when I tell you I didn't know where I was, isn't bad. When I say I didn't know where I was, I wasn't lost, I know where Kings Park is, and the Bell Tower, and I roughly knew in which direction the station was, I just didn't know the streets I was walking in, does that make sense?
The exhibition has been running since the 31st October and will end on the 11th December. Some will be auctioned to raise money for child health research. 
So let me introduce you to some pretty ladies.

Alice by Tjyllyungoo, the traditional name of the landscape painter Lance Chadd, a Noongar man from Western Australia. This work was inspired by Chadd’s father in honour of all Aboriginal Stockmen.

Untitled by Peter Farmer

Netter’s Atlas by Janna Braddock

Palindrome by Helen Smith

Pop Colour Cow by Penny Coss

Bubblegum Bessie by Minaxi May

Beauty X Ethics by Benjamin Kontoolas

Holy Cow by Poppy Lissiman

Comodity Cow by Lisa Dymond

Luxury Lady by Alister Yiap

Missy Moo by Jean and June Pastore

Le Grande Panache by Pascal Proteau 

Hope you have enjoyed meeting the lovely ladies.

I have also visited Kings Park and Elizabeth Quay which I will tell you about at a later date. 
I'm off to Adelaide tomorrow to stay with some friends for a few days.

Stay warm and well.


  1. What a great tour that your took us on, they were indeed beautiful ladies.

    1. Thank you mama, I wish I could have found more.

  2. How lovely Polly. We had a load of dragons in Taunton a couple of years ago all made by local artists. They were also dotted around the town with a dragon trial for people to follow. Afterwards they were auctioned off for charity. There is still one outside our local pub and there is a van driving around with one strapped to the roof! When SD and I were in Cornwall in the summer we came across a life size cow in someones front garden. It was all marked out with the cuts of beef - rather an unusual garden ornament!

    1. Hi Sarah, wow a dragon on top of a van sounds fun, and the cow in the garden! Dragons are cool. The last day I was in Perth a chap who was photographing one of the cows told me I could get a map of where they all were, but by then I didn't have time to go looking for them :-(

  3. Interesting to hear about 'mooch'. Those ARE beautiful sculptures/statues - but cow statues/sculptures seem to be very popular these days and I must confess I'm a bit puzzled as to why.

    1. Hi Mike, I don't know why cows were chosen, except that I think they are quite handsome beasts, so maybe that might be why, and being large they do make an impact.

  4. wow!! al exotic sculptures of cows :)

  5. What a fun way to introduce art. The one with the fringes is my favorite. Obviously.

    1. Hello Amalia, it was fun finding them! I quite like the white one with neon wings xx
