1 November 2016

Mr Teen, Birthdays and More

My grandson is now a teenager, yes I know, how did those years pass so quickly? He is a fine handsome young man. He shares his birthday month with his father and two cousins. The cousins live in St Helens, so we visited family during half term week. We had a lovely time shopping, the younger ones went trampolining, and we managed to get 12 of us out for a lunch, which was very nice. 

The past few weeks have been quite busy. I usually start Autumn with a flurry of activity, tidying the allotment, "putting the garden to bed", putting the garden furniture away - mind you soon after putting the chairs away I took one out again because it was such a lovely mild day I had lunch in the garden!

I've been doing some work on my dollshouse; reading; and practising with some painting - art painting, not decorating painting :-)

Rufus has been hopping around on three legs again. We couldn't determine if it was his hip, leg, ankle or paw, he didn't yelp when examined. He's almost back to normal now.

A couple of weeks ago I visited Bletchley Park, more of that later.

I have also been trying to catch up with reading my favourite blogs. I often get carried away, I start reading then follow a link and before I know it a couple of hours have passed and I've only read a few. How do you follow yours? Do you set aside a certain amount of time per day, do you read the latest post from all of them or do you dip in and out?


  1. Looking forward to you post on Bletchley Park, I would love to visit.

    1. I lived just a few miles away from Bletchley for 20 years, now I live 70 miles away and I've finally got there!

  2. please show some pictures of your paintings.. :)

    1. Hi, I've only done one, as a beginner at a workshop, you can see it a few posts down at the 17th Oct "Not Quite the end of Summer" All I'm doing at the moment is practising :-)

  3. Looking forward to your Bletchley Park post - presumably, when you lived nearby you didn't know about it :-). And looking forward to an update on the dollshouse. I really struggle to keep up with all the blogs I want to read and also dither over whether to reply to comments on my own site. My general compromise on the latter is to respond to direct questions, or praise, or when someone says something I take exception to. But time to surf other blogs is a problem, particularly as I feel I need to reciprocate for some of the lovely visits I receive over on 'ABAB'.

    1. Hi Mike, I had a vague knowledge of it but I was always busy with children, pets and home. Then when I started working in Milton Keynes I thought about going but you know how it is, when something is on your doorstep you think "oh I will go one day"!! I like to reply to my visitors but I don't have as many as you so it's much easier, also I think when you build up a following like you have your visitors just like commenting and don't necessarily expect a reply. Have a good weekend.

  4. Happy birthday to your son! You'll love Bletchley Park and the way things are strangely familiar even though it all happened decades ago. I've never quite got the balance right on keeping up with blogs and tend to comment on those who have commented on mine, but time is very much against me lately. Like Mike from ABAB, I've wondered about answering comments on my own blog but that has the expectation that people will come back again to read the comment. I suppose it is a quicker way of responding for the blogger though. It's a tough one, but as another blogger once told me, it is what you feel comfortable with and as long as you have the time to write a post that people will want to visit, then all will work out. Have a great evening. Chelx

    1. I'm not sure what I would do if I had a lot of visitors. Like I said to Mike, I think people comment because they like what you post and want to comment :-)
