28 November 2016

Fremantle Markets

Whenever I visit Fremantle one of my first stops is the markets

I love this place, it has everything, 

fresh fruit and veg

bread and cheese


scrumptious cakes

just in case!

Lots of lovely food stalls. I am a regular visitor to the crepe suzette stall. Its difficult to choose just one,  my favourites are smoked salmon; spinach, cheese and tomato; or ham, cheese and pineapple,  but I have no difficulty choosing between banana, honey and almond; strawberry and ice cream, or my all time favourite - maple syrup. I must add that I don't have them all at once!! The market is on for three days a week, so I visit each day!

Beautiful textiles and clothes, most of the non food items are quite expensive but good quality. 

pretty gifts

 good luck message stones hand crafted by local Aboriginal artists

hand crafted didgeridoo's

and paintings also by Aboriginal artists 

door knobs


soap, shoes, coffee, the English sweets stall

love these skirts

steampunk top hat and helmet

this bracelet was beautiful but sadly too big for me 

surfing Santa

Christmas baubles

underwater photo art

paintings by local artists

 have a caricature done or a henna tattoo

have some leather work made

 or stand awhile and listen to music.
This young boy was playing the piano beautifully, the audience were mesmerised. 
I've seen a few musicians performing here, I think people request a time slot to perform. 

And of course no market is complete without buskers. 
The Freo markets are famous for their buskers.

Hope you have enjoyed your tour of Fremantle markets. 
This is just a few of the many stalls, I could fill three or four posts with them all!


  1. Wow Polly, so much to look at - I think I'd need one day to just take it all in before even starting to shop (and there's plenty there I'd like to buy!). Those cup cake look scrumptious!!! xx

    1. Hi Sarah, there is a lot to take in, that's why I like to go each day of the three they are open. I might have a cup cake this time, but the pancakes are sooooo delicious, just thought, I could have a pancake there and get a couple of cup cakes for my daughter and myself for later! sorted :-) xx

  2. Great photos - it was almost like being there and it looks fun!

    1. Hello Carolyn, thank you. It is a great place to shop.

  3. I love markets as well and this looks like a very good one, lucky you.

    1. Hello Amalia, it is, it's very popular with everyone who lives and visits here. I've bought all sorts of things over the years I've been visiting :-) xx
