28 September 2016


I have discovered Netflix, when I say discovered I mean I have known about it for a while but have only just started watching. Over the last few weeks, in between reading, having a nightmare with an en-suite in my dolls house! (will be posting about that later), and my birthday celebrations, I have been binge watching and I've had a string of love affairs!

First there was Will in "The Good Wife", handsome, debonair, thoughtful, oh how I envied Alicia, played by Emmy award winner Julianna Margulies, she got to kiss him so many times. I first saw her in the excellent unmissable "ER" playing alongside another of my "on-screen" love affairs George Clooney as Dr Doug Ross, she got to kiss him many times too! Oh happy days, I never missed an episode of ER and was distraught when it ended. I've watched many re-runs and could watch it forever. It's not on Netflix though.

Then came "Suits" and the dashing, suave, cool Harvey, played by Gabriel Macht. Bit of a bad boy, but I always seemed to be drawn to the bad ones!

Next up was "Stranger Things", not something you would immediately associate with a love affair, but I found Chief Hopper played by David Harbour very attractive not just in looks but as the character as well. 

"Hustle" was my next binge watch. I didn't have a love affair with any of the characters, I just liked the programme.
I've watched every episode of  "Spooks", I love it. There are a couple that I would have a liaison with, Tom Quinn played by Matthew Mcfadyen is dishy, and the brooding Lucas North played by dashing Richard Armitage is gorgeous, but my one and only love has always been Harry Pearce played by Peter Firth, Harry is my man! There's just something about the character.

Unfortunately Grey's Anatomy isn't on Netflix, I had two heart-throbs in that, Dr Owen Hunt played by Kevin McKidd and Jackson Avery played by Jesse Williams, he has the most gorgeous blue eyes I have ever seen.

I'm currently watching the second season of Fargo and Patrick Wilson is very handsome as Minnesota State Trooper Lou Solverson. Ted Danson looks good too. It has some gruesome scenes, and, like the first season I find myself laughing at most inappropriate moments, like during the chopping up of a dead body to feed it through an industrial mincer, and fingers go flying off in all directions! Sometimes I think I ought to worry about myself, but does anyone else do the same? Do you find mirth in the gruesome? Perhaps its the way in which it is written. I think Noah Hawley is a very skillful screenwriter. 


  1. Wow, you've managed a lot. I've also seen Stranger Things and thought it surprisingly good.

    1. Hello Amalia, my grandson and I have different ideas about what will happen in the second season of Stranger Things! x

  2. You certainly have been busy films and all.

    1. Hello mama, I forgot to mention gardening as well! :-)

  3. Gosh, probably just as well I don't have it, I'm not sure I'd have the energy! And yes, I have been known to laugh inappropriately :-) xx

    1. Hi Sarah, I'm having a break from it tonight :-) xx

  4. Good job I don't have this as I'd never get up from the sofa!

    1. Hello Jenny, yes that's just what it's like.

  5. Hello Polly,
    Firstly, Happy birthday! Netflix can be addictive! I hope the nightmare in the dollhouse is not too horrible!
    Big hug

    1. Thank you Giac, I had another lovely birthday. The dollshouse nightmare is slowly improving, I'm hoping to get it finished this weekend, if I can drag myself away from Netflix, I tell myself just one more episode, but it doesn't work! xx

  6. Yesterday night we watched a movie call "Mary and Martha".. that was amazing and also heart wrenching.. as both the mum lost their only son.. :(

    please vita: http://from-a-girls-mind.blogspot.com
    I'm following you, all you please follow me back?

    1. I've seen that, it's so sad, but a very good film.
