12 January 2025

Lunchtime Concert

Friday's concert in the Cathedral was not enjoyable. If I had been on my own I would have left, but my dear friend M, although she didn't enjoy it, is more polite, so we stuck with it to the end! The young pianist, Max Pemberton was hugely talented, all the pieces he played were written for the left hand alone, which was amazing as it sounded like two hands were covering multiple notes.
But the programme was just not to our liking, it was disjointed and didn't resemble anything that could be called a tune. To our ears it was just an assortment of jumbled notes.
∼ Be safe and well∼ 
Polly x


  1. Well, at least you were in a beautiful setting for it!

    1. We were Debra, it's a beautiful building

  2. Polly, while the musical selections may not have been enjoyable, I will agree with Debra that the setting was wonderful. Also, it was polite if you and your friend to remain.

    1. My friend is very polite. If I need to leave I do so discretely.

  3. It’s great that you stuck with it, though, even though the experience wasn’t enjoyable. Sometimes it’s the company that makes an event more worthwhile, and it’s good to have a friend to share the experience with, even if it didn’t turn out as expected. Hopefully, your next musical outing will be more to your taste!

    1. Hello Melody, yes I hope next week's concert is better.

  4. Oh, it is difficult to endure a concert that you dislike. This happened to me once at a clarinet concert. I knew the person, and she had written all the music herself in an "experimental" style - and to my ears, it was a lot of squawking and honking for 2 hours. Ooof. Well, the setting of your concert was absolutely beautiful.

    1. ooh that's akward when it's a friend, and two 2 hours of it, ours was only 45 minutes.

  5. What a shame. However brilliant the composer and the performer, if it doesn't please, it doesn't please.

  6. ...the setting for the concert was lovely.

  7. Aww, that’s too bad. It sounded like it would have been enjoyable.

    1. I enjoy piano music so I did think it would be good.

  8. oh my! I have been to concerts like that where I didn't enjoy the compositions. So nice you stayed til the end!

    1. We were sat at the front so we couldn't really leave!

  9. Oh Polly, I know just what you mean. I heard the same kind of thing when I was in England (but with both hands, probably different selections, and an excellent pianist and you couldn't deny they were skilled. But I was never so glad as anything to leave!

    1. Oh dear, it is a shame when all we want is for it to end!
