4 January 2025

Baby It's Cold Outside

Brrr! It has turned cold here in my part of the UK. This morning in the church cafe I was wearing 8 layers of clothes - bra, knickers, tights, socks, trousers, vest, long sleeve t-shirt, a fleece and fur lined boots! with gloves, hat and a warm coat for walking down and back. If I'm out walking I get quite warm but in the cafe we're only moving to the coffee machine, the air fryer or taking food and drinks to tables. The heating is good but the cold came in every time the door opened when people came in.

At home the central heating is turned right up and soup is regularly on the menu. 

Greggs tomato soup is absolutely delicious with one of their vegan sausage rolls.

I quite like being outside when I'm well wrapped up, but otherwise I don't like winter. I have a few ways of keeping warm though.

I have some lovely blankets and a fleece I made. A blanket over my lap makes me feel warm and cosy

candles help warm the room, and smell nice


and a good old fashioned hot water bottle. This lovely one was a gift from a very dear friend years ago. It says "Grumpy and Irrational do not approach unless you have chocolate"  She knew me well, I wasn't often irrational, I was occasionally grumpy when hungry or cold, and I have always loved chocolate.

Dear reader I hope you are keeping warm, or cool depending on where you are.



  1. Stay warm and cozy until the cold is gone!

    1. I intend to Debra, I don't go out unless it's necessary😊

  2. I don't think it's going to be too bad over here in the East.

    1. Maybe your part of Suffolk has escaped it Sue. We had a small flurry of snow overnight. It's milder today but with that comes rain☹

  3. I love your hot water bottle cover - what a good friend! I like to use rice bags that I made - I heat them in the microwave and they’re warm and comforting. They’re also great if my muscles ache.

  4. Having trouble publishing my comment so will keep this short 😀 I love a fleece blanket or traditional quilt but these days my Oodie does a great job of keeping me super warm, it's a pity they are so bloomin ugly 😄 Love the hot water bottle.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I've never heard of an Oodie so I googled it, yes you're right Alison, not the prettiest garment, but if you're at home and the priority is warmth, then it does the job😊

  5. You have the right remedies for beating the cold. I love scented candles.

  6. Oh Polly, I'm so sad to read about your sweet Rufus.
    May all your loving memories carry you and your family through this difficult time.
    My best wishes for 2025 !

  7. I love a blanket on my lap and in these cold Michigan days, I'm adding a heating pad and heated beanbags to the ensemble. Please take loving care of yourself, my friend.
