14 October 2024


Last week I was very poorly with a bad cold. On Wednesday a lovely friend who had been talking to my dear friend M phoned to ask how I was, and would I like a covid test kit, as he had two reaching their expiry date. Why not I thought, still thinking it was just a cold, something to do! He brought them round and a little while later there it was - two bold red lines, oh crap. My diary for the week had to be cancelled - swimming, bowls club, craft club, village book club, my stint at the hospital, a U3a meeting, an opticians appointment. They would have been cancelled anyway, I felt so poorly.

And the one I was most looking forward to was a tongue in cheek production of Pride & Prejudice, described as "Creative, naughty and hilarious". I've seen a trailer and it looked very good, confirmed by the ladies that went.
I didn't do my stint at the church cafe on Saturday, and another I was really looking forward to was a friend's birthday celebration lunch today which was completely dependant on the outcome of another test which was ..... negative, I did go to the party 😀 and I am feeling tons better.
Dear reader I hope you stay well and don't catch any nasty viruses.

Polly x


  1. Yes, I've heard there's quite an upswing in covid spread this fall. Glad you're feeling better now, and did your bit not to facilitate further spread!

    1. Thank you Debra. Much as I wanted to go to the theatre I would never go anywhere with germs in my system.

  2. So glad you are now negative for Covid and feeling much better.

  3. Oh, poor you. What a rotten thing to happen, but I'm glad you're feeling better now. Do take it easy, though, and rest as much as you can.

  4. We have just had our winter flu and covid jabs - we have had so many that I have lost track of them all. So far, touch wood, covid has not happened to either of us, but pleased to learn that you are now negative. I wonder how many people still take the trouble to isolate, as you did, but simply carry on as normal.

    1. When I was working I would get so cross with people coming to work with streaming colds. I think there will always be people who don't care about spreading germs. I hope you and your family stay well.

  5. I'm glad to hear you're feeling better now and could enjoy the birthday celebration. It must have been disappointing to miss out on all those activities, especially the Pride & Prejudice production. Here’s to staying healthy and catching up on all the things you love. Take care! Read my new post: https://www.melodyjacob.com/2024/10/ultra-rich-anti-aging-cream-for-improved-skin-hydration-and-radiance.html

  6. Glad you're on the mend. This variant sounds nasty.
