4 October 2024

A Break in the Weather

After all that rain we are now enjoying some beautiful warm sunny days. 

The badgers have been busy again

the entrance to their sett used to be in the field, if they continue at this rate they will completely take over the area between the field and the hedgerow!


A new kid on the block
meet Buzz
he is a rescue ex racing dog, and he is so lovely and gentle. When we first met him he was a bit wary but now when we meet his tail starts wagging and he gets very excited.


Has anyone been watching "The Wives"? The story revolves around three women who are related by marriage to three brothers. It's set in Malta where the couples holiday at a resort together every year. The previous year one of the wives disappeared and is presumed dead. One of the remaining wives isn't happy with that, she is convinced Annabelle was murdered. The more the three wives investigate the deeper they get into the mystery. It was very good BUT the ending was - WHAT, WAIT, who was in the black van; what's with the casino chips, will Charlie be vindicated; will the real villain be uncovered? The cast were all very good actors and most of the script was good, but the ending was very bad, unless a second season is planned.


The size of my header image suddenly changed so I thought I would be able to use the original image but I couldn't get the size I wanted, I think it has to do with the sizing of the layouts, I've tried changing them but it didn't make any difference. My blog says its custom so I'm not confident to change anything in case the whole thing goes wrong!

∼ Be safe and well∼ 
Polly x

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