27 June 2024

A Good Read

The Anatomist's Apprentice by Tessa Harris

In the first novel of a mystery series set in eighteenth-century England Tessa Harris introduces Dr. Thomas Silkstone, anatomist and pioneering forensic detective from Philadelpia.
The death of Sir Edward Crick has unleashed a torrent of gossip through the seedy taverns and elegant ballrooms of Oxfordshire. Few mourn the dissolute young man - except his sister, the beautiful Lady Lydia Farrell. When Lydia's husband comes under suspicion of murder, she seeks expert help from the young anatomist detective 
Dr. Thomas Silkstone.

I enjoyed this, it's a clever plot.

∼ Happy Reading∼ 

Polly x

21 June 2024

Rufus' Diary

Hello dear reader, I hope you are well.
Well after a dismal start June has finally come through with some lovely summer weather. Still a few clouds in the sky but sunshine and higher temperatures forecast for the next few days. That will make Polly happy.

I look squashed!

Historically Polly hasn't had much luck with hostas, this one was completely eaten by snails last year, she dug it up and put it in this pot "just in case it revived" !! and look at it now, how sweet is this with it's tiny flowers.

The countryside is looking good as usual
I think this tree is dead though

a few bee orchids are blooming 

The badgers have been busy with this new entrance, that is a large amount of soil that they have excavated. The entrance is the dark area just off centre on the left of the image.

This is their original entrance, the one at the back of the image where the white bag is. Unfortunately we think their underground network of tunnels might have caused some subsidence at the area at the front where the green bag is. A horse riding lady we occasionally meet when she is walking her dog is concerned that horse riders might not see the holes so she has put these sticks and bags in the holes to warn them. But then that probably causes problems for the badgers getting in and out, althought they do have mighty powerful legs and claws.

It's amazing how quickly the ground dries up.

Some horses are still wearing their coats

This one has his tail plaited because it's so
long it hangs on the ground and gets dirty.

I often lag back a long way behind Polly. She says its because after a while I just want to go home for breakfast. I don't often lay down though, you can just about see me in the long grass.

I have to confess though that I do speed up when we're on our way home, and then I'm way ahead of her, all I can think of is breakfast of tea and toast!

∼ Be safe and well ∼

Rufus 🐾 

17 June 2024

Anyone For Cake?

The servery in our village church opens for business on Wednesday and Saturday mornings staffed by volunteers. I'm on the rota for Saturdays. We serve tea, coffee, hot chocolate, scrumptious cakes and tasty savouries. We get a variety of customers - villagers, cyclists, ramblers, and passers by. Dogs are also welcome, we are going to get some biscuits for them. There are no fixed prices, we just ask for donations, most people are very generous.

This biscoffi cake was delicious.

∼ Be safe and well∼ 
Polly x

12 June 2024


The National Grid is a privately owned company providing high voltage electricity to the majority of Great Britain and some of the surrounding islands. Demand is huge and is set to increase in the coming years, particularly in London. To meet this demand the NG is planning to erect giant pylons over 180km of countryside from Norwich to Tilbury across the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex. The proposed route will pass through countryside between my village and the neighbouring village.

There is a lot of controversy over the plan to use compulsory purchase orders to plough up farmland used for food and tree production when there are brownfield sites available at Bradwell which are already connected to the network. National Grid is refusing to say why they deem that not to be suitable.

These pylons are nothing like the current ones, they will be of gargantuan proportions. The neighbouring village has erected this dummy pylon, which is only
1/3rd the height of the threatened giants. Despite an avalanche of objections from residents and politicians I fear money and shareholders will see the NG going ahead with their plan.
∼ Be safe and well∼ 
Polly x

6 June 2024

A Good Read

Twisted by Steve Cavanagh

Goodreads lists this as:
1. The police are looking to charge me with murder.
2. No one knows who I am. Or how I did it.
3. If you think you've found me. I'm coming for you next.
After you've read this book, you'll know the truth is far more twisted...

WOW This is a very twisty, psychological thriller with duplicity at the core. You really have to concentrate on the plot to solve the riddle. I can’t explain the plot without giving too much away and because I wouldn’t really know where to start!

I enjoyed the pace of this, it’s definitely a page turner.

∼ Happy Reading∼ 

Polly x