19 December 2018

My Great Mince Pie Survey

Yes dear reader it's that time of year again - the one where I get to eat lots of mince pies
in the name of market research and producing a helpful survey ! ☺️
This is just my opinion though, taste is subjective 

Aldi specially selected all butter classic mince pies with Courvosier Cognac.
Please don't mistreat your taste buds with these, they are truly horrible.
I took one bite but had to remove it.
Zero rating, they don't even get on the scale.

Co-op irresistible all butter luxury mince pies with with rich fruit, nut and brandy.
Very nice, tasty filling, lovely pastry but it is very flaky 4/5

And these, also from the Co-op. I think it's their instore range. Orange flavoured pastry with a
mincemeat filling and brandy. Delicious and lovely pastry, I could really taste the orange 4/5

Greggs lovely pastry and very tasty filling  of vine fruits,
Bramley apple and candied orange and lemon peel 4/5

My favourites this year, M&S. Lovely firm pastry, and delicious filling of vine fruits, 
cranberries, clementines, cherries and brandy 5/5

~Keep warm and well ~
Polly x


  1. That is very interesting Polly to eat so many mince pies in the name of research. What happens to the ones you dislike? I tend to make my own, but use fresh shop bought pastry - too lazy to be bothered making my own.

    1. Hello Rosemary. My son-in-law gets the ones I don't like. I used to make my own years ago, and a Christmas cake but they are so cheap to buy nowadays and usually good quality.

  2. I think I will try to bake one.. :)

    1. Hello Krishna, I used to enjoy making my own, but although I have enough time I just don't want to do it anymore.

  3. What a terrible job; I suppose someone has to do it... I'm wondering if I could undertake an extensive survey on the best Christmas ale; do you think I could get a sponsor? I'd have to think carefully about writing it up. Merry Christmas, Polly - and a happy New Year!

    1. Hello Mike, yes it is. I think the best Christmas ale would be a great survey:-) Merry Christmas to you too, and good health and happiness for 2019.

  4. I just had my first mince pie. Well, actually a mince tart but details, details. And it was delicious! (I learned how in my cooking class and now I'm thinking of making my own!)

    1. I used to make my own, but buy them nowadays x

  5. Mmmmmmmm...Polly ...That look delicious ...yammie love from me Ria 💚🎄❤️

    1. Hello Ria, I do enjoy my mince pie survey :-) x

  6. Goodness, that's an awful lot of mince pies you've eaten, and it's still 4 days to Christmas! We like Sainsbury's mince pies, have never tried any other ones. Caffè Nero are selling mince pies at an exorbitant £2.10 each!

    1. I should have added I don't eat them all, they are shared between my family.

  7. Hi Polly, well done for managing to get through all that market research! I love mince pies, but my eyes can be bigger than my stomach, so I have to restrain myself. I like Morrisons' lattice topped ones, as I find the ratio of filling to pastry is quite nice. Have a happy Christmas!

    1. Thank you Jacqui. I hope you have a happy Christmas too x
