12 December 2018

Catching Up

Phew I seem to have been so busy I'm getting behind with blogging.
So what have I been up to?

Two Christmas meals last week, my book club and my art club. Both at lovely venues, both delicious food and both good company. My bowls club one is next week. 

The church in the village just down the road from mine held their annual Christmas Tree Festival at the weekend. All the groups in the area are invited to enter a tree. The public vote for their favourite and the judges vote for an overall winner. Once again there were some beautiful, clever and innovative entries. I had a very hard time deciding between two.

Let It Snow was exquisite. 
A white tree, sparkly lights and beautiful handmade dolls depicting winter activities.

And this gorgeous one

Santa's grotto

All beautifully hand made by the ladies of a sewing club

We Tree Kings was so cute.
The Kings were mini trees

and just look at how cute the camel is

The children at the village infants school made the poppies for Remembrance day.
They did a lovely job decorating the tree with them.


The Mad Hatter's Tea Party had the WOW factor. It had flashing stick lights 

and a revolving teapot

This was my WI's entry, celebrating the centenary of the NHS.
The red heart had a flashing light inside it which looked very good
There were many more entries, making a difficult job for the judges. We didn't win.

Back home
The badgers have been busy extending their home.
When they first started last year that pile of earth was level with the edge of the field.

As someone who almost gets ill with the cold I have always wanted a down coat, I bought a down jacket a few weeks ago but returned it because I decided I needed something to keep my thighs and bottom warm!
They are quite expensive so I asked my family if they would give me money instead of presents for Christmas. My darling grandson asked how much I wanted, and I'm sure if I had said £100 he would have given me it. 
I started looking online just to see what was about ............ and I found this

I wasn't planning to buy one until nearer Christmas but this ticked all the boxes, the right length, a belt, pockets and no hood but a lovely high collar. If I had waited and then found they had sold out I would have been inconsolable so I clicked the buy button! It's gorgeous, and I'm worth it! :-)

We had a lovely time at the Salvation Army on Tuesday, a quiz, a brass band playing carols and a delicious Christmas dinner. 
And then in the afternoon at art club the couple who run the club set a fun task for us. They chose a picture, printed it out and cut it into pieces, one for each of us. We then had to draw our piece onto card, larger scale and paint it.
It was fun seeing each piece put on the table and trying to guess what the complete picture was. We all use different mediums, oil, acrylics, watercolour, chalk pastels so the colours didn't always match. My piece was the one bottom left, second one up, done in watercolour. I think we all did very well.
It was Chagall's The Cellist. It was good fun, we all enjoyed it.

Christmas lights are up at the front of the house, and some inside. I've bought a real tree and will be decorating it at the weekend. How are your Christmas preparations going?

~Keep warm and well ~
Polly x


  1. Some very original Christmas trees on show there. Mine is a very old artificial tree which bears just a passing resemblance to the real thing. It is decorated with a hodge-podge of ornaments that have accumulated over the last 70 years or so. Every year for over forty years I got it all down from the loft, amidst much moaning and un-Christmassy language, and set it up for my mother. Since her death I don't have to do it any more, but - guess what - it's now exhibiting its full tasteless glory in my house! Sentimental old fool that I am.

    1. Well done John, nothing wrong with a bit of sentiment. Three of the decorations that go on my tree were my mothers, they must be over 50 years old!

  2. Some very innovative entries and each one was interesting to see!
    I'm glad that you ordered a warm winter coat, because it is going to be a cold one this year and YES! YOU ARE worth it! :D

  3. You ARE worth it! I love the trees -- I couldn't have decided either. And also seeing that wonderful image that you all put together. Very clever! Merriest of holidays to you!

  4. The Santa's Grotto tree is amazing! "As someone who almost gets ill with the cold". Me too, I hate British winters. I hope your new jacket is keeping you nice and toasty, as they say here.

    1. Hi Nick, yes it is keeping me nice and toasty, it's like wearing a duvet! I love it.

  5. Those trees are amazing! Such talented people about. Your coat looks very snug and that painting has turned out well. What a great idea.
