19 November 2018

Cough Cough Cough

And don't mention the snotty nose, good heavens where does it all come from!!!

A week ago I became victim to a vicious cold virus. Aching, coughing, sneezing, wheezing, unable to breath properly. It has been the worst cold I have ever had. The cough and snotty nose are still lingering but thankfully I am starting to feel much better, more energy, more active, my social life can continue. I missed a few things last week, the most disappointing was a trip to the theatre to see The Mousetrap. I've seen it before, a long time ago and was so looking forward to seeing it again but I just couldn't go out with all those germs in my system. Maybe I can book again next year.

Dear reader I hope you keep well and don't catch a cold.

~Take care ~
Polly x


  1. Oh no! I am so sorry that you've been under the weather. I am glad you are starting to feel better and I hope you are back to yourself in no time. Have a beautiful week! Hugs

  2. Hope you feel better soon Polly....have a Nice week ..take care of yourself 💋❤️

  3. Oh my dear! get well soon. Please take care of yourself.. XOXO

  4. Oh no, Polly. It has to be pretty bad to cancel a trip to the theatre. I'm so sorry. Please get well soon.

    1. Thank you Jeanie. It has been very bad, and I still have a bit of a cough and a runny nose. I was beyond disappointed, I sat here thinking "I would be taking my seat now in time for curtain up" x

  5. A really heavy cold is no fun at all. Hope you recover quickly. Have you had a flu jab? I'm due to have one next week.

    1. I was hoping to have one this week but I'm still not 100% well yet.

  6. Poor you - I don't think people in general realise just how awful and debilitating a bad cold can be to the victim. I had my flu jab last week, and always find that it is well worth getting it.
    Take care Polly and keep yourself cosy.

    1. Thank you Rosemary. I know what you mean, I think most people think of a cold as just a few days of coughing and sneezing, if I was still working I would feel very guilty taking such a long time off work, but this has knocked the stuffing right out of me, it's been 9 days now! I will only think of myself as being well when the cough finally stops - almost there :-)

  7. Poor Polly, I hope you'll feel better soon, take care.
    Lts of people have got the flu here too, it's the time of the year ;)....

    1. Thank you Ilona. Yes it's the season for germs now!

  8. Beterschap Polly, heb er zelf ook net 3 weken mee gelopen, Pfff
    heel vermoeiend allemaal. Wees maar lief voor je zelf en ik hoop
    dat je snel weer de oude zult zijn, sterkte!!!


    1. Thank you Josephine. I hope you are resting now :-)

  9. What a shame you had to cancel some of your plans. Hope you feel better soon there is so many bugs going around at the moment.

    1. Thank you mama. I hope I am building up a good amount of immunity to get me through winter!

  10. Glad you're on the mend. Having a cold sounds so innocuous but it's really miserable. We saw The Mousetrap many years ago in a tiny theatre in the West End.

  11. I'm sorry you've been feeling under the weather, Polly. Cold viruses can make you feel really rotten. I had quite a bad cold a few weeks ago, and it really took it out of me.

    1. Hello Jacqui, it's exactly two weeks today since this cold started and I am finally starting to feel well again x

  12. Oh that's horrible Polly. The change of weather flu is the worst. Glad to hear that you are at least feeling a little better, probably another week or so until you are up to 100%. Take care and don't do too much too quickly.
