10 September 2018

This Time Last Year

This time last year we were clearing out cupboards in readiness for the old kitchen to be demolished. 

Oh My Word what a lot of stuff had accumulated. Some of it was good stuff still in use, but a lot was "What is this/Why have we still got this/This doesn't even work anymore", and the worst one - "How long has this manky chip pan been at the back of the cupboard?"!!

Eventually the cupboards were emptied, good stuff packed in boxes, stuff taken to the charity shop, rubbish stuff in the skip, and demolition was under way.

Floor down and I started painting around where the new cupboards would be going.

The new units were delivered and stored in the kitchen

Poor Buster was in a state of turmoil, he doesn't cope well with disruption

This was the narrow space through to the kitchen and outside

Dear Buster, he needed gentle reassurance and guidance through the maze!

I too hate mess and disruption and thought it would never end
but of course it did
and before long we had a beautiful new kitchen

Those cupboards store recycling, outdoor stuff, kitchen gadgets, drinks, glasses, all sorts

A year on and we've only just got a blind for the window,

and we still need to replace the old stools that creak when sat on!! 
Does anyone else do that, finish the major project but still have minor things to do?

Be well
Polly x


  1. Wow, that is quite a transformation. It looks great. I'm sure Buster is much happier now!

    1. Hello Troy, yes he was much happier once calm had been restored and their food and water bowls were back in a permanent place!

  2. That is one beautiful kitchen. I don't have an issue with finishing touches I have a problem starting the main project lol!

    1. ha ha hi mama, you do a lot with your crafts and home. We keep talking about replacing two garden sheds with a combo shed and summer house, but I can't bear the thought of sorting through more rubbish! :-)

  3. I know what you mean. I moved in here eight years ago (!) and there are still a few jobs that need doing. That new kitchen looks very swish.

    1. Hi John, I think a lot of us have jobs that just keep going to the bottom of the priority list!

  4. Hi Polly,

    Wat een enorme metamorfose de nieuwe keuken, PRACHTIG gewoon.
    Maar ohhhhh wat ontzettend veel werk is dat geweest.
    Nu kan je er heerlijk van gaan genieten.
    Arme Buster, hahaha dat lieve koppie van, de lieverd was helemaal
    de weg kwijt maar nu zal alles weer vredig zijn.

    Lieve groetjes,

    1. Hi Josephine, yes it was a lot of work, and a lot of dust! I do enjoy being in it. Buster was happy to have everything back in order!

  5. The kitchen looks great - very stylish. I had my kitchen refurbished this time last year too, never again, but I am happy that it was done.

    1. Hi Rosemary, it is a major upheaval at the time, but as you say, happy when it's done.

  6. Oh gosh, yes!
    Even though the bedroom was 'finished' 18 months ago there is still a bare bulb hanging from the ceiling. And I've made two of the blinds but not yet the third. Nor any cushions. And there is a chair in there only upholstered up to hessian. Need I say more?
    Your kitchen, on the other hand, looks fab!

    1. Hello Jessica, I think you are allowed some 'breathing time' with all the projects you achieve in your beautiful home. I must visit your lovely blog to see what you have been up to, I have been absent too long.

  7. It's Beautiful and in my opinion Designer Magazine Worthy

    1. Thank you Elizabeth. Even after a year I often smile when I walk in, thinking how nice it is.

  8. Not one of our renovations has ever been completed properly!

    Your new kitchen is lovely and looks to be a more efficient design, as well?

    1. Hello Kylie, spot on. The large table in the middle was a constant source of irritation, in the way of the dishwasher and not much space for movement. The problem with large scale project is that by the time the main work is finished we're fed up with it all and too tired to focus on the smaller stuff, saying "We will get round to that later"! :-)

  9. Hello Polly,
    It was well worth all the trouble. the new kitchen looks beautiful and very stylish. It looks like you have so much more storage.
    Big hug

    1. Hi Giac, yes we do, much better than the old kitchen x

  10. Your new kitchen looks very swish. I also hate upheaval and disruption, but it's usually worth it in the end. But tell me, what is that inset into the fridge/freezer door? It looks like some sort of drink dispenser.

    We haven't done anything to our house except to rejig the garden. We specifically wanted to move to a house where absolutely nothing needed doing.

    1. Hi Nick, yes it is a drink and ice cube dispenser. No more major projects planned, just straightforward painting and decorating!

  11. I like Before and After. All those cupboards! And, yes, there's always that little bit left that never ends up getting done. Or not for years anyway.

    1. It had been a good kitchen, just old and tired. Door handles were loose, a corner door kept falling off, a tap was dodgy and the floor was sort of granite/quarry tile, very cold and uneven.

  12. what a massive project, Polly. And you should be so proud of your efforts -- it really looks terrific!

    I don' know if something is ever really done. And maybe that's a good thing -- keeps us on our toes and with a goal! Even if it's a new jug to hold utensils or something silly and cute!

  13. What a lovely new kitchen - a lot of hard work, but my goodness, it paid off. It's beautiful!
