24 September 2018

Dinner Time

Dogs are not unlike humans in that they become creatures of habit and routine and know what they like. This is never more evident than when it comes to dinner time. Despite a few phobias Buster is a very laid back dog, he isn't bothered if he gets fed at breakfast time, dinner time or whenever. Rufus however is very specific about when he wants his dinner. 

The routine usually starts around 5.15 pm, he seeks me out (even if I'm in the garden) and stands nearby looking at me, if I make eye contact with him and hold it for a few seconds he lowers his front legs and does the mouth opening and closing with a funny not quite a bark thing. If that doesn't work he moves in a bit closer. If I'm busy I tell him "Not now, go and lay down" He goes away for a few minutes and then he's back to repeat the process. I usually start making tea around that time so I prepare their dinner as well.

I start by getting their gravy (yes they have gravy!) from the fridge, Rufus wants to make sure that I know where it is in the fridge so he accompanies me. There it is, that's the handle of the Pyrex jug.

While the gravy is heating in the microwave I go to the cupboard for their meal, again he wants to make sure that I know which cupboard it's in so he accompanies me.

And finally he watches every move as I mix the meal with the gravy and add the tinned food!
He knows what he likes and how to get it! :-)

None of this was staged, it's Rufus, he is a real character. 
He also lets me know if their water bowl is empty by standing in the doorway 
with an eager look on his face.
If one of his toys has rolled under the sofa or cupboard he
does the same and then takes me to wherever it is!

And every morning he knows when I get up and how long it takes me to get dressed and appear at the top of the stairs, he is waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. He then sticks to me like glue as I'm putting on my coat and boots.
He also knows when we're not going out (bad weather or I don't have time), 
I put on my dressing gown and go straight downstairs. 
He knows I haven't been moving around upstairs so he is still in his bed, or on a sofa!

I wonder if he would go for assistance if I had a heart attack whilst out walking!!
Hopefully that will never happen, and I always have my phone with me :-)

~Be well ~
Polly x


  1. Sounds like our dog Mickey, he watches my every move near food time. They are much cleverer than we give them credit for.

  2. This totally cracks me up because cats -- or at least Lizzie -- is exactly the same. She has the routine down to the minute (only the change in time each spring and fall messes her up and by the time I get her regulated, if I really do, it goes back the other way! I love this to bits. And Rufus is adorable!

    1. Rufus does get out of sync when the times change but quickly adjusts :-)

  3. A smart dog. George is fed at 6.30 in the evening but starts hovering at about 5 or any time I'm in the kitchen. If he sees me pick up a banana or orange he follows me. If he hears me peeling a banana or orange he appears. If he smells a banana or orange he appears. Apart from that he's quite laid back!

    1. It's amazing how they can hear the quietest of food being prepared!

  4. Have done a blog post relating to yours.

  5. Rufus is obviously a clever little chap. He knows all the cunning ploys that will get him what he wants. Whether he would go for assistance is another matter. I suspect your phone would be more useful.
