24 April 2017

The Dollshouse: Mr Teen's Room

Although Mr Teen's room was easier to construct than Miss Teen's, it wasn't without a few difficulties.  

I wanted to create a New York type theme room. My first job was brick textured wallpaper. 

I was very pleased with this, it was just the colour I wanted to go with a dark wood floor.

I started the floor with some left over bits of wood in various colours, 
some had been painted, some had varnish on, some were very messy. 
That piece of red plastic is a cake caddy, it had cake in it, homemade, 
I think it was lemon cake, it was good.

It took ages and many coats of wood stain to get them all the same colour, 
but I didn't want to waste them. 
After a few coats of varnish they turned out well.

I then started to look around for furniture and once again because the top of the house is smaller than 1/12th scale everything I was looking at was too big.  Kits seemed the only way to go.

So with kits for a bed, wardrobe and media wall unit I was good to go.

The bed was very easy to assemble

The wardrobe however wasn't.

Those tiny pins had to go into the top and bottom of the doors, and then into the body of the wardrobe. The edges with the pins in then had to be sanded to a rounded D shape 
to enable the doors to open and close smoothly. 
One worked well the other didn't, but it looks ok, it just has to remain permanently closed.

Two drawers fitted into the bottom of the wardrobe

and I was pleased with the finished result.

The media unit was problematic, but largely due to me being overly fussy. 
It went together well. It was meant to have a shiny white film over it, like formica, but instead of looking like a smooth glossy finish it looked more like a badly wrapped parcel.

so I put some scrap bits of wood inside to prevent it from warping and decided to paint it. 

I used spray paint but sometimes it dripped and collected in little pockets at the bottom of the unit, so I tried to smooth them out and made it worse! Then there were the times I left fingerprints on it when I held it to inspect it! So I would put yet another coat of paint on. I created more work and took more time than was necessary. 

But the end result was good.

The standard light behind the sofa was a bit fiddly.

 I stuck the wire along the edge of the stair rail, round the end

 then along the wall behind the jukebox.

I bought the sofa and jukebox and made the bean bag from the same material I had used for the duvet cover and pillow. 

I found a tutorial on youtube. Make a template and cut out 5 shapes. 
Sew together leaving an opening for the stuffing, I used rice. 
The first one just didn't sit properly, it was too flat. 

So for the second attempt I used only 3 shapes, it was much better.

The side table and foot stool are Pandora jewellery boxes! 

There are still bits and pieces to add, but for the time being it's finished.


  1. so , so beautiful.. you did an incredible job..

  2. Hello Polly,
    I just love this room! The flooring and brick walls look amazing and I really love the furniture and layout. The tv unit is awesome. Fantastic work!
    Big hug,

    1. Thank you for your lovely comments Giac x

  3. What a joy to visit, you have created such a wonderful space. Stunning.

  4. Wow Polly, it's stunning! I love the simplicity of it, I'd be tempted to put far too much stuff in (I'd probably need a 10 bedroom house if I were doing one!) but you have really nailed it. A teen boys dream! xxx

    1. Thank you Sarah. I plan to add a couple of posters, some books on the shelves, a clock and a mobile phone, every teen needs a mobile phone :-) xxx

  5. I just love this room! The flooring and brick walls look amazing and I really love the furniture and layout.

