27 April 2017

Neglect And Activity

Oh dear, I have been seriously remiss with my blog, and visiting my favourite blogs. 
Once I came out of hibernation I felt the need to do things. 
Gardening, my allotment, visits to garden centres, days out, craft projects, 
reading, Easter, bowls matches, coffee mornings, 
and the blog was neglected. 

March saw a lot of activity on my allotment. 
Sowing potatoes and onions followed by carrots, beetroot, swede, runner beans and broccoli. 
Next I will put tomatoes and sweetcorn in. 

A few weeks ago a friend and myself went to an afternoon tea given by a group of Handbell Ringers. 
It was a lovely afternoon of quizzes, tombola, sandwiches, cake and scones and jam. 
They then treated us to to a selection of their beautiful music. 
The money raised goes to their chosen charity and to help with the upkeep of the bells.

Once a month we have coffee mornings in my village raising money for good causes, 
the current one is Essex Air Ambulance. 
We have tea, coffee and cake, a good old natter and a raffle. 

I won this lovely set at one of them. 
Sanctuary, one of my absolute favourites, I adore the fragrance.

We also had a village "Big Lunch"
A two course lunch for £6 yes £6!! 
The choices were lasagne or a variety of quiches, 
I chose bacon and mushroom quiche with new potatoes, salad and coleslaw, 
followed by apple crumble and custard. 
It was absolutely delicious. 

Then came Medieval Mayhem
archery, stocks, tug of war, maypole dancing, 
apple bobbing, crockery smashing, good food 
and an impressive collection of old and new tractors

Collage courtesy of  PicMonkey

my contribution for the tea and cake stall - a mocha cake, a family favourite.
I used to bake this for my girls when they were teenagers, they loved it.

me attempting to hit the target! I got arrows in the red and blue zones!

ye medieval crusader checking the smashed crockery!

Well that's enough for now 
need to do some work on a quilt 
will tell you about that soon
and my visit to Downton Abbey  :-)

Hope you have a good weekend

Polly x


  1. Hello Polly,
    You certainly have been busy. this is always such a busy time of year! That funbd raiser looks like so much fun and your cake looked delicious!
    Big hug

    1. Hi Giac, sorry for the delay, there just don't seem to be enough hours in the days at the moment! Thank you for dropping by :-)

  2. I love everything about this Polly. I love The Sanctuary products too - such a lovely scent! I love village events and I LOVE the look of your cake, delicious! xx

    1. Hi Sarah, when I get round to it I will include the cake recipe in a post :-)

  3. You certainly have been busy. this is always such a busy time of year! That funbd raiser looks like so much fun and your cake looked delicious!

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