7 August 2016

August Already

It's that time of year again

 the wheat and barley have turned golden

the blackberries have flowered and fruits are appearing 

and, most important at this time of year

Buster has had his first application of this to prevent this

On our walk the other morning I saw this, or rather I smelt it before seeing it. It smells lovely, like a honeysuckle. I don't know what it is, and because of where it is I'm guessing it's a wild plant but I've taken a stem and will harvest some seeds and try to grow it in my garden. It might be rampant and take over!!


  1. Summer was so late arriving this year that I am not quite ready to let go yet. The harvest started yesterday in the field behind my home so there is no ignoring it.

    1. Hello mama, yes you're right, I don't want to let go either, I hope we still have a few more weeks of sun and warmth.

  2. I am loving the golden fields too. It seems especially magical as summer glows one last time before Autumn. Love your images .... I also recently encountered that very plant and do not know what that it is. But it smelled so lovely! x

    1. Thank you LeeAnn. I have quite a few seeds from the plant, I will sow some now and more in the spring.

  3. Yep, August, and it will be September before you know it :-)

    1. And September means Christmas items in the shops, oh dear, I want to slow time down! xx

  4. As you may know I used to work in farming and saw many a harvest - it's so nice now to see someone else having to do the work.

    1. I like watching those huge machines cutting the wheat (from a distance of course) and I love the smell of the fields when its cut.

  5. As you may know I used to work in farming and saw many a harvest - it's so nice now to see someone else having to do the work.

  6. Wonderful shots of the crops! I can almost smell them.

  7. Sweet Polly, what beautiful photos! It looks like pure gold :) Hugs to you!
