19 August 2016

All Sorts

brrrr I've just changed into a long sleeved t-shirt having suddenly felt a little chilly. I have been sitting reading for a while though, inactivity usually lowers my body temperature, need a sandwich and a cup of coffee to warm me up. Sandwich and coffee prepared and already I'm feeling warmer.

I made an effort to get up early this morning to take the dogs out because my car was being collected sometime after 9am for a recall inspection. We had the best of the weather as it has been raining gently ever since. I was hoping to do some gardening today but I'm pleased with the rain as my garden has been looking very dry, the lawn even has a few chasms in it - only small ones! I hope it clears up as I have two plants that have been in their pots for weeks, they are screaming to be in the garden as their roots need to expand beyond the confines of the pots.

I regularly wear jewellery - rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, but I've never been a huge fan of charm bracelets, I have a gold coloured chunky one that I wear in winter and the rest are just smallish wrist adornments. Two of my friends have Pandora charm bracelets, one a silver one with loads of charms on it, and the other a simple band with just 3 rose gold clips on it. For a while now I have wanted to own one, it's not that they're out of my price range just something I never got round to buying, until yesterday. We have a brand new Pandora shop in town, so no excuses now, off I went and bought this.

ok, so its not Cartier or Faberge but I love it, and I will love it even more when it has some pretty patterned charms on it. Pandora gift vouchers will now be on on my pressie lists :-)

I feel very sad about the demise of Bhs and all those people, who, in a few weeks will be out of work. Our store looked forlorn, huge signs advertising closing down bargains, the windows full of rubbish. I went in but then thought "No, I'm not going to put any more money into, in my opinion, that odious little mans already ample offshore bank account". He must be the most reviled man in the country at the moment.

Does anyone have a foolproof cure for chocolate addiction?  This is my current favourite. 

I know, I should employ willpower and self control. I don't like Oreo biscuits but when it comes to this, I just devour it like a thing possessed. Over the years I have hoped that maybe I would be sick from chocolate binging and that would end my addiction, but I guess I will just have to cope with it.

My car is back and all is good.

The rain has stopped, the ground is nice and soft, perfect for re-homing my plants.

Thank you for reading, take care and have a good weekend.


  1. Sounds as though you're all prepped for the weekend. Let's hope the weather improves - it seems to be great during the week but poor at weekends - not the right way round at all. I'm terrible with chocolate - I'm afraid the only cure I know of is to avoid buying the stuff; if it's in the house, it will get eaten!

    1. Yes you're right, not buying it is the only cure. I only buy it when its on special offer, but there's always a supermarket with it on special offer!!

  2. My cure for chocolate is not to buy it, if it is there it doesn't last five minutes before it has gone. Sadly it is raining here at the moment, I hoping it will stop before the morning.

    1. When I worked it used to be my weekend treat, I shopped on a Thursday and bought everything I needed for the week. Now I'm retired every day is like a weekend!!

  3. Just found your blog.Coincidence! I was in Chelmsford on Friday.Cheese,herb and magazine stalls on the market.Second hand bookshop.Nice cup of coffee - could have walked past you I s'pose.

    1. Yes we could have! I like browsing round the markets and charity shops

  4. Hello Polly,
    I'm glad your car is back. the bracelet is just gorgeous! I have never fought my chocolate addiction...that is a battle which is foredoomed to failure!
    Big hug

    1. Hello Giac, it's good to hear from you. I will follow your lead and accept that I am never going to banish my addiction, I just love it too much! I visited your blog a little while ago but it was quite late at night and I was tired and I didn't really take much in, so I will go over now to marvel at your gorgeous grand library xx

  5. Pretty bracelet. It's nice that you can make one that is unique to you. I have never tried that oreo chocolate....sounds like I should avoid it or I may also start liking it too much.

    1. Hello Jenny, I first bought a bar for my grandson as he likes the biscuits, he said to try it because he thought I would like it, I did and now I get through at least a couple of bars a week!

  6. I love those bracelets. I have a Lovelinks one with beautiful beads all with a meaning from someone. I haven't tried the Oreo chocolate and especially not now that I saw a photo of one on Facebook with a spider stuck inside. Gives me the shivers. As for avoidance of chocolate... it will NEVER happen!! :) xx

    1. Hello Chel, ugh, I hope I haven't eaten a bit with spider in it, I don't think I would notice, it disappears so quickly!! I agree, I could never give up chocolate :-) I will pop over and see what you have been up do during your break x
