14 October 2023


Courtesy of Wikipedia Commons

Beautiful Amazing Autumn, probably the time of year when Mother Nature gives her best performance. Trees conserve their energy and moisture in their trunks, and as a result their leaves turn red, gold and orange before creating beautiful kaleidoscope carpets on the ground.

Farmers collect reserves of crop, animals begin their winter preparations by storing food and creating cosy hibernation spaces. And many of us humans create our own cosy spaces indoors and focus on creating a warm comfortable home. 

Daylight hours are shorter and there’s a chill in the air, but Autumn can reward us with some lovely weather. Here in the UK September was glorious, and so far October has been mild and sunny. 

I have made a good start tidying the garden for winter.
Bulbs have been planted in the rockery.

This border was a mess, those footpaths were hidden beneath weeds and straggly plants. It should be possible to walk around that light green fir tree but that shrub in the middle was taking over, I have trimmed it down. I still have a lot more to do before winter sets in but I think I will get there. The lawn is looking nice and green. 

What a lovely little heart shaped bun. I didn' t notice until I buttered it.

Yesterday M and I did a trip with our U3a Bus Pass Group to Bishop's Stortford, a lovely historic market town on the border of Essex and Hertfordshire.

We had some lunch and meandered around, there are some lovely shops but missed the markets, which are held on Thursdays and Saturdays. 

The sun is shining, the sky is blue, time to put some washing out and maybe do a bit of gardening. I hope you have a good sunny weekend dear reader.

∼ Be safe and well ∼

Polly x


  1. Such beautiful colours! Yard work is very demanding, especially getting things ready for winter.

    1. It is, and at this time of year it can be chilly if the sun isn't shining, so I pack up!

  2. Your garden looks very pretty. Ours needs lots of end of season tidying too.

    I just looked at your train trip post too. Makes me want to go there.

    1. It's not too bad, I just hope we get enough mild weather for me to finish tidying. I want to go on another train trip now!

  3. Your excursion to the market town sounds wonderful. And yes, it's garden clean-up time, which is never particularly fun. I'm waiting for slightly warmer weather and at least some sun. I hope I don't have to wait too long!

    1. The weather does, to a certain degree dictate how long I stay out in the garden, and now the sun is lower there is more shade!
