30 September 2023

A Good Read

The Stone Circle by Elly Griffiths

A Dr Ruth Calloway Mystery.

DCI Nelson has received some anonymous letters that have left him feeling uneasy, not least because they bear a strong resemblance to some received years earlier, but the author of those earlier ones is dead isn’t he?

Meanwhile archaeologist Dr Ruth Galloway is working on a dig at the site of a henge when she finds the bones of a young girl. The body is identified as Margaret Lacey, a twelve year old who vanished thirty years ago.

It’s a very good murder mystery and I worked out who the murderer was!

∼ Happy Reading∼ 

Polly x

17 September 2023

Rufus' Diary

Hello dear reader, I hope you are well. The September weather here in the UK has been glorious, Polly is happy, she was dissapointed with July's weather, but it has redeemed itself for, hopefully, a few more days. 

Out and about, crops have been harvested

Animal feed

The bonfire area is being tidied up, a lot of the stuff has gone.

More trees are being numbered for felling.

This pile was left over from the last time they felled some trees, they
used to burn it but this has been here for what seems like 2 or 3 years.
It's probably a hotel for insects and hedgehogs now.

It's been so hot I've had to cool down in the stream.

Polly had her flu jab yesterday.

∼ Be safe and well ∼

Rufus 🐾 

12 September 2023

A Good Read

Worst Idea Ever by Jane Fallon
Georgia and Lydia are more than best friends, they are surrogate sisters. Their friendship began when they were art students, both studying illustration. Georgia is now a successful published children’s author. Lydia works for a small publisher producing educational books, not doing the illustrations but overseeing those who do. She hates her job, she knows she’s more than just someone who showcases other people’s talents. Her speciality is line drawings in ink, beautiful depictions of fairies and trolls. In an attempt to maintain her sanity Lydia opens an Etsy shop and Georgia sets up a Twitter account for her to promote it. The business struggles and Georgia wants to help, but knowing that Lydia is not the kind to accept handouts Georgia created a false Twitter account in the name of Patricia. It was Patricia’s job to support Lydia and boost her confidence, but it turned out to be the worst idea Georgia ever had.
This is a very good fast paced read, keeping me guessing what was going to happen.

∼ Happy Reading∼ 

Polly x

8 September 2023

A New Job

Well, I use the term loosely, I'm volunteering on the help desk at the hospital. We help people who aren't sure about where they should be going. Although the signage is good and clear, when people visit a hospital they have things on their mind and don't always pay attention to where they need to go, so it's nice to have a person direct them or escort them. I only do one morning a week, 8 to 12.30. I'm not used to getting up early (6.30) but it's only one day, and once I'm on the go it's my favourite time of day. I enjoy it and if they need more help I wouldn't mind doing more days.

∼ Be safe and well ∼

Polly x