9 March 2021


What a glorious day it has been here today, non stop sunshine all day. 

Earlier this morning I walked into the family room and saw this 

that on Rufus' nose was a sticky label I removed from a mango I had for breakfast, and put in the bin.
Let's zoom in a little closer

Irrefutable evidence of what Rufus had been up to when no one was looking. I thought I had
closed the lid. I don't think he found anything and there wasn't any mess. 

You've got to laugh!

Be safe and well ~

Polly x


  1. Cute photos of your doggy, Polly. They soon become part of our family, don't they?

    I hope you are having good March days.


    1. Thank you Sheri, some days are good, when the sun shines, but days like today (rain and wind) leave me not wanting to do anything.

  2. And he thought he'd got away with it!

    1. He might well have, it wasn't stuck on very well.

  3. I love this more than I can say! Adorable!

  4. Too funny! I wonder if the sticker bothered him?

    1. It wasn't firmly stuck on, I'm surprised he didn't use a paw to remove it.

  5. Aw funny, Rufus you have been caught red handed.

  6. Owwwww so cute !🍀🐾🍀

  7. Ya gotta love them! And you have to admit - he's pretty darn cute! - Marilyn D., New Brunswick, Canada

  8. Polly, I am so glad that you visited Ann's Dollhouse Dreams. I love that you are from the UK. I've toured England twice and fell in love with it. My family tree is full of branches that originated England, Scotland, and Ireland. I love your kitchen. I'm trying to figure out the the kitchen for the Manchester and your post is helping. My first kit build was a two level Real Good Toys cottage that had just two rooms. It was a good start to the build the Bellingham, then one for my grand daughter, and finally this one. You can do it. If I can, you can, I say. Cheers.

    1. Hello Ann, thank you for your kind comments. Most of what I make is by hand and not always accurate but looks ok from a distance! Have you discovered Jodi at https://my-miniaturemadness.blogspot.com/ She does amazing work and is doing a kitchen room box at the moment.
