23 April 2019

Hibernating and More Quilts

I have neglected my blog of late. I lost interest, preferring to spend time on other activities. Throughout January, February and March I did my usual hibernating and making quilts for Project Linus. Another 12 rolled off the sewing machine production line. All the material was gifted to me. They are all lap quilts approx 36" x 36" for children in hospital. The patterns are pretty and the fleece backing is cosy, providing warmth and comfort, and the children get to keep them.

 Top right and bottom right are the same material, but TR is triangles and BR is half square triangles.
All have the pale blue fleece backing.

After completing this Star Wars quilt above I noticed a small tear in one of the plain orange squares.
I had used all the material so I used the signature label, which I usually put in a corner, to cover it.

Last year I used oddments of fleece for the backing of one of the quilts, I didn't want to waste them and thought they would look nice in a sort of fan of rainbow colours, see here. Well it was very difficult and I said I would never attempt anything like it again. Then I was given these 4 rectangle pieces of fleece above right. The colours matched this material perfectly, they were just begging to be used.  They were much easier to work with though as they followed the lines of the squares.

Courtesy of BeFunky.com
These patterns of rabbits are quite pretty but I think the colours are a bit drab. 

This hasn't photographed very well, they are pretty shades of blue and yellow. I'm not happy with the border though, I haven't matched the patterns very well. I didn't really notice it until I hung it up. I'm debating whether to unpick the border and re-do it!

And finally this one, using strips of all the odd pieces of material left over.
It's time consuming but very satisfying.
I don't use wadding with my quilts, but I have to when I do these because all those seams make it bulky.

Here in the UK we've been enjoying gorgeous warm weather,
I hope it continues into a hot summer like last year.

~Keep warm and well ~
Polly x


  1. Project Linus is such a great endeavor. My daughter has participated in it.

    1. Hi Michelle, I think it started in the USA.

  2. You are doing a wonderful thing, Polly. I'm sure your beautiful quilts will be cherished.

  3. Not exactly hibernating. When I worked in a school for the disabled we were sometimes oversupplied with lap quilts from enthusiastic volunteers, I wish we'd known about Project Linus, then we could have diverted some to where they were needed.

    1. Hi John, I hope they were eventually distributed to those who needed them.

  4. I so admire you're skill and talent at quilt making! They are all so lively and I bet bring smiles to all those who receive them!

  5. They're lovely quilts. I can see why blogging took second place while you were making them.

    1. Thank you John. I thought I had finished but I have been given another load of material!

  6. Oh they're beautiful! Yo have so much patience!
