17 October 2016

Not Quite The End Of Summer

Well the winter duvet is back on the bed and the central heating is on low for the evenings and mornings. Autumn and winter clothes are hanging in the wardrobe and I have put some summer ones away, but not all of them because...... I will need some when I go to Australia!! yes I'm off to visit my darling daughter in Fremantle next month, I'm so excited. I haven't been in November before, February used to be my chosen time and I have been at Christmas.

Back down to earth for a while and I have been busy. I'm now a fully paid up member of the WI. We have a small group in the village and we meet once a month. So far neither jam or Jerusalem have been mentioned :-)

We also have a craft club in the village, which I attend. We have a good old natter whilst knitting, crocheting, sewing or making cards, and our host provides tea, coffee and biscuits. I might bake a cake for the next meeting.

And there is more! we have an art group as well. I went along back in 2012 and discovered I could draw quite well, but I couldn't paint. It's not a teaching group, they are all very good experienced artists, so the intention was to find a class and learn. Four years on and I haven't done it! However a couple of weeks ago the group arranged a workshop so off I went full of enthusiasm and produced this

It's in ink and watercolour. There is quite a lot wrong with it and I am contemplating doing it again, but on the whole I was very pleased with my effort, not bad for an absolute beginner. I am keen to join the group but it's the same day as when I volunteer at the Salvation Army's old folks lunch club, so I will have to do some shuffling around!


  1. That is impressive for a beginner, looks good to me.

  2. I'm impressed! The road looks expectant, as though it's waiting for something to appear round the corner. The WI do a lot of good work and I must say that the one in our village has some very interesting speakers, which they allow us lesser mortals to listen to from the back - provided we're quiet and don't slurp our beer too much. Has anyone mentioned The Calendar to you yet? - or is that just in Yorkshire?

    1. Thank you Mike, that's almost what our tutor said about taking a road around a corner, it leads the eye. ha ha, no "The Calendar" hasn't been mentioned, but I've only been going for a couple of months. I can just imagine a bunch of blokes being told to keep quiet!!

  3. I'd be really pleased if I'd painted that Polly! Sounds like life is very busy for you right now and very exciting with your planned trip - what a great time to be going to Australia, hopefully you will miss the worst of the weather (although we have been very lucky with it so far). Keep painting, crafting, baking and most of all blogging, it's lovely to hear your news xx
