10 July 2015


Look at these beauties, fresh from the allotment for an Eton mess, one of my favourite desserts. I have about 3 or 4 varieties, some from garden centres and some given to me from one of the other allotmenteers. 
All delicious and ranging in size from large and shiny dark red to small and pale red. 
For me strawberries epitomise summer - warm lazy days in the garden,
cream teas and of course Wimbledon.

We have been enjoying my allotment strawberries all through June, and it's only now that they are starting to tail off. But as one crop finishes another is waiting in the wings to take over, enter stage right - equally lucious raspberries which I also put into Eton mess.

Other crops doing well on the allotment are lettuces, beetroot (love it), brussel sprouts, purple broccoli, cabbages, parsnips, runner beans, sweetcorn, and the new potatoes are delicious. Late potatoes are looking good. Carrots are struggling but I think they will be ok. Not doing quite so well are the swedes, they were growing beautifully but something is eating them. They are covered with chicken wire so it's not pigeons, I think it might be slugs. The broad beans have gone the same way as last years' - covered in black stuff, so they've gone in the bin. Onions didn't even germinate.  


  1. Oh - yum! I agree about summer; but somehow strawberries are also a taste of childhood.

    1. Hello Mike, I'm sure we must have had strawberries, but it's not a strong memory, probably because it was so long ago!!

  2. Hi sweet Polly! My, what delicious-looking berries! They look so lush and fresh :) My dear mom and I used to pick strawberries from the field and often while we picked them we would eat them and enjoy their sweetnes.

    Hugs to you!

    1. Hello Stephanie, it's lovely to hear from you. I eat as I pick them too. I can't think of any other fruit that is truly as scrumptious. Their smell is gorgeous as well, I can smell them as I pass other allotments on the way to mine. xx

  3. I can't decide which I prefer - fresh berries or an Eton mess. Life sometimes challenges you with difficult decisions :-)

    1. So many choices! another of my favourites is summer pudding, it's years since I made one, perhaps I should make one soon, to see if I can remember how to do it!! :-) x

  4. Berry nice! Tom The Backroads Traveller

    1. I've been trying to think of a suitably related reply, but I can't !!
