25 October 2024

Lunchtime Concert

Today's concert was truly delightful. It featured Sue Handscombe playing an assortment of recorders, an underestimated instrument but Sue demonstrated just how versatile and wonderful they are. For one of her pieces she used all seven recorders.
From baroque to ragtime, Fred and Ginger to kazoo, her programme of music was lovely.

She was accompanied by pianist Ed Sutton.

∼ Be safe and well∼ 
Polly x

21 October 2024

Brentwood Mac

On Saturday my village church was the venue for a sell out performance by Brentwood Mac, a brilliant band dedicated to playing the timeless music of Fleetwood Mac. This was their 15th consecutive sell out gig.

With a repertoire spanning all eras of the legendary band's career, from their early blues-rock days to their iconic hits and solo material, the group offers a faithful journey through Fleetwood Mac's rich musical history.

From the haunting vocals of Stevie Nicks to the driving rhythms of Mick Fleetwood, Brentwood Mac pays homage to every member of Fleetwood Mac, delivering a performance that transports audiences back in time. 

We had two bars, I was helping at one of them, but I did have a reserved seat to sit and enjoy the music. But I was too tired to stay afterwards to help tidy up! 

They were given a resounding encore and everyone had a great time. The profits went to the church roof appeal, and the band made a contribution as well. 

∼ Be safe and well∼ 
Polly x

17 October 2024

A Read

Wish You Were Here
by Jodi Picoult 
Diana O'Toole has always been a planner. At twenty-nine she’s up for promotion to her dream job as an art specialist at Sotheby’s, and she’s about to fly to the Galapagos where she is convinced her surgeon boyfriend, Finn is going to propose. She will be married by thirty, children by thirty-five, then move out to a New York City suburb. Perfectly on track. But then a virus that felt worlds away has appeared in the city, and on the eve of their departure, Finn tells Diana he can’t go - he has to stay behind, it's all hands on deck at the hospital. He convinces Diana to go, it would be a shame for their non-refundable trip to go to waste. And so, reluctantly, she goes.
Almost immediately Diana's dream vacation goes awry. On arrival she finds the island is under quarantine and the hotel has closed its doors. She could have taken the return ferry and returned home but decided to stay, leaving her stranded and completely isolated, way out of her comfort zone. Eventually she befriends a local family who help her.
With lots of time on her hands she finds herself examining her relationship, her choices, and herself, and wondering if when she goes home, she will have evolved into someone completely different, and maybe even re-evaluate the future she’s envisioned. 

Some of this was good but overall it was a bit tedious and, despite a massive surprising twist just over half way, predictable. I skipped some of it. As for the ending - it was just a huge eye roll.

∼ Happy Reading∼ 

Polly x

14 October 2024


Last week I was very poorly with a bad cold. On Wednesday a lovely friend who had been talking to my dear friend M phoned to ask how I was, and would I like a covid test kit, as he had two reaching their expiry date. Why not I thought, still thinking it was just a cold, something to do! He brought them round and a little while later there it was - two bold red lines, oh crap. My diary for the week had to be cancelled - swimming, bowls club, craft club, village book club, my stint at the hospital, a U3a meeting, an opticians appointment. They would have been cancelled anyway, I felt so poorly.

And the one I was most looking forward to was a tongue in cheek production of Pride & Prejudice, described as "Creative, naughty and hilarious". I've seen a trailer and it looked very good, confirmed by the ladies that went.
I didn't do my stint at the church cafe on Saturday, and another I was really looking forward to was a friend's birthday celebration lunch today which was completely dependant on the outcome of another test which was ..... negative, I did go to the party 😀 and I am feeling tons better.
Dear reader I hope you stay well and don't catch any nasty viruses.

Polly x

10 October 2024

A Good Read

The Herd by Emily Edwards
Bryony and Elizabeth are best friends and despite being polar opposites, their friendship works. They live for their families and each other, they are godmothers to each other's daughters, trusting that the safety of their children is paramount. But some things have gone unspoken between them, they differ radically over one very important issue, and when Bryony, afraid of being judged, tells what is supposed to be a harmless white lie before a child's birthday party, the consequences are catastrophic.

Bryony grew up with a severely autistic brother whose autism their mother believes stemmed from the MMR vaccine, so she vows never to vaccinate Alba. Elizabeth's daughter, Clemmie, cannot be vaccinated due to an early childhood illness and so the family rely on others to maintain herd immunity in order to keep her safe.

Elizabeth, Bryony and other characters - a doctor, a journalist, a mother, an internet troll, all take their turn at being sympathetic, informative, sanctimonious and annoying. The callousness of the internet and media is skilfully captured.

This is a profound, emotional read, based on contentious issues of vaccination and herd immunity, but it does so in a way that doesn't preach for either side, it highlights the pain that may be experienced by those making their choice on either side of the debate. It feels honest, fair, and doesn't shy away from any of the arguments frequently thrown up about vaccines.

Despite being very sad, it’s an excellent read.

∼ Happy Reading∼ 

Polly x

4 October 2024

A Break in the Weather

After all that rain we are now enjoying some beautiful warm sunny days. 

The badgers have been busy again

the entrance to their sett used to be in the field, if they continue at this rate they will completely take over the area between the field and the hedgerow!


A new kid on the block
meet Buzz
he is a rescue ex racing dog, and he is so lovely and gentle. When we first met him he was a bit wary but now when we meet his tail starts wagging and he gets very excited.


Has anyone been watching "The Wives"? The story revolves around three women who are related by marriage to three brothers. It's set in Malta where the couples holiday at a resort together every year. The previous year one of the wives disappeared and is presumed dead. One of the remaining wives isn't happy with that, she is convinced Annabelle was murdered. The more the three wives investigate the deeper they get into the mystery. It was very good BUT the ending was - WHAT, WAIT, who was in the black van; what's with the casino chips, will Charlie be vindicated; will the real villain be uncovered? The cast were all very good actors and most of the script was good, but the ending was very bad, unless a second season is planned.


The size of my header image suddenly changed so I thought I would be able to use the original image but I couldn't get the size I wanted, I think it has to do with the sizing of the layouts, I've tried changing them but it didn't make any difference. My blog says its custom so I'm not confident to change anything in case the whole thing goes wrong!

∼ Be safe and well∼ 
Polly x

29 September 2024

A Wet Day Out

Last Monday a coach trip to the pretty market town of Market Harborough should have been 
a nice day out but the rain was unrelenting. My plan to stroll along the riverside and take in a Heritage Walk was abandoned in favour of going in and out of shops in an effort to stay dry.

St Dionysius Church was for pilgrims, it doesn't have a graveyard

The Old Grammar School
After lunch I stepped out of the restaurant straight into a puddle, water covered the front of my trainers! Thankfully it wasn't too bad, my feet were wet but not drenched, although when I got home and changed my socks were slightly damp.

The highlight of the day was a visit to Foxton Locks, a Grade II listed site, and home to the longest and steepest staircase of locks in Britain, rising 75 feet up a steep escarpment. There are 10 locks and it takes 45 minutes to traverse them.

The locks have been an essential part of travel, trade and leisure for over 200 years. The Grand Union Canal is a union of lots of smaller canals. In 1810 an Act of Parliament authorised a new section to be built from the Leicestershire and Northamptonshire Canal at Foxton to the Grand Junction Canal at Buckby. It meant that for the first time boats and cargo could travel from the River Thames at Brentford to the East Midlands, including the coalfields of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire.
The locks were opened on the 9 August 1814, and today they are essentially the same as when they were built.

I hoped we would see a boat travelling through.
This image is courtesy of the web.

21 hardy water babies went on the included boat trip. The boat had a top cover but open sides and I knew from experience that the roof cover would not be adequate protection from the wind and rain. So myself and a few others sought refuge in the Foxton Locks Inn.

On a nice warm sunny day it would be lovely to sit here enjoying the view over the river.

 The clouds finally dispersed and the sun appeared at 6 o/clock as we were approaching home!

∼ Be safe and well∼ 
Polly x

26 September 2024

Happy Birthday

As a rescue we don't know the exact date when Rufus was born so I worked backwards from when we adopted him and guessed that it was September 2012 and decided he could share his birthday with me.

We will both have treats. I have a gift voucher from my daughter, a parcel is on its way from my Ozzie daughter and I'm pretty sure I will get something from my grandson later today.
The rain has stopped, we've had a walk in the sunshine, and later I'm going out for lunch with my daughter.

∼ Be safe and well∼ 
Polly x

22 September 2024

Lunchtime Concert

Lunchtime concerts in the Cathedral have started again after a summer break. Friday's concert was Crispin Lewis and Raymond Lewis - Baritone and Pianist.

Accomplished musicians but not to my liking. 

The programme featured the rediscovered songs of Herbert Murrill. Along with the programme information was a songsheet. Very obscure, this is a small sample:
Mistletoe on the handlebars of the bicycle, gift from the guide
Lisie leaves for Paris
Leo leaves for Lisieux
Mistletoe on the handlebars of the bicycle, gift from the guide
Bicycle on the misletoe
Handlebars over the eyes
Leo leaves for Lisieux
Lisie will buy the eggs
Mistletoe on the handlebars of the bicycle, gift from the guide
Leo leaves for Paris
Vivi leaves for the suburbs
On the misletoe
On the gift
On the handlebars of the bicycle, gift from the guide.

I left after only about 20 minutes.

∼ Be safe and well∼ 
Polly x

15 September 2024

My Village Church

As well as a place of worship my village church is also a community hub for various social events.

The cafe opens on Wednesday and Saturday mornings, staffed by volunteers.

beautiful new oak doors

and a new cycle rack, which this owner chose not to use!

Cream teas on the church lawn have been enjoyed once a month
throughout the summer

Last Saturday the event was a Murder Mystery play.

 The tape was to prevent people going to the tables until later.
the bar

We sat in the pews for the first half of the play. At half time the cast moved among us so that we could interrogate them ask questions. We then moved to the tables for delicious quiche, potatoes, salad and coleslaw with red or white wine. There were packs of clues on the tables. After the main course we returned to the pews for the unravelling of the plot and revealing the identity of the murderer. Then back to the tables for a scrumptious sherry trifle. It was a great night, but very few worked out who dunnit! The cast didn't want paying, all the profits went to the church roof fund. 
The next event is a history of the pub and and an update on the work to date. It will include pub food and entertainment. Should be good.
And next month we have a concert with Brentwood Mac playing Fleetwood Mac's hits.

 ∼ Be safe and well∼ 
Polly x

10 September 2024

A Nice Walk

Another U3A walk a couple of weeks ago

Tasty blackberries

interesting architecture

lovely cottages

Back to the pub for a meal
It was a good walk and the weather was glorious.

∼ Be safe and well∼ 
Polly x

6 September 2024

Rufus' Diary

Hello dear reader I hope you are well. Autumn is on its way, daylight hours are shorter, it's dark by 8 o/clock, the evenings are slightly chilly but the days are still sunny and warm.

Crops are being harvested

We're enjoying lots of lovely walks

The bonfire that never goes out is still not out 😄

Polly loves her small patio at the bottom of the garden and now she has created another lovely shady area to sit, under the cherry tree

That whole area behind the recliner was completely overgrown with nettles and weeds which was great for bees and butterflies but when it all died down she cleared it away.

There's a nice cool place for me to enjoy too.

We don't know what this cute little insect is.

A guy in the village is a Naturetrek Group Leader. Now and again he sets up a box in the churchyard to see how many moths visit. There were lots of species, sizes and colours but they didn't all photograph well.

Because I was a rescue the exact date of my birthday is unknown. Polly worked backwards from when they got me and how old they said I was and guessed that I was born in Sep 2012 and so she decided I would share my birthday with her later in the month. I will be 12, I daren't tell you how old Polly will be 😀

∼ Be safe and well ∼
Rufus 🐾

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